See the Bigger Picture – Veterinary Industry Trends at a Glance

Carpe Datum gathers data from all over the globe to produce the Index platform.  This data is analysed and refined to provide insights for comparative business groups.

This groundbreaking tool unlocks invaluable insights into current trends within the veterinary industry. Not only does the Industry Index provide an overview of existing data, it can also be utilised to predict upcoming industry trends.

Accessible at the click of a button, this FREE tool covers 24 critical industry KPIs, offering invaluable information for all to leverage.

Make Data Driven Decisions
Visibility of trends within the independent veterinary industry are an invaluable tool if you want to benchmark your current performance and are also interested in finding out what’s possible!

It’s free to explore the trend data activity over the past 4 years, right up to the most recent month.  Explore our range of 24 KPI’s and see how you measure up.

Industry Trends
Carpe Datum gathers data from all over the globe to feed our Industry Index platform. The inclusion of YOUR date into our Industry Index will significantly enhance the informativeness of the trends.
24 Business Critical KPI's
Add your data to the Industry Index and gain access to your own


Be a Trend Setter – Influence the Industry Trends

As the Industry Index accumulates more data, its statistics and trend predictions become increasingly accurate and pertinent. Our goal is to equip the veterinary industry with data that facilitates the flourishing of practices. Utilising data-driven decision-making eliminates guesswork from the equation when taking actions.

Add your PMS data in to the mix and contribute to the trend data! As a thank you, we will give you complimentary access to your own Dashboard and Benchmarking for 3 months. Simply complete your details on the form below: